Chicken Salad Chick Advertises Their Restaurant With Mobile Billboards

This restaurant paired with Texas Mobile Advertising to advertise their business using mobile billboards. Mobile billboards have helped them to grow their business by creating a successful marketing campaign. Stacy Brown started this business that has led her through tremendous success by effective marketing.

In the beginning she started selling to hair salons, going door to door, and teachers’ lounges. We traveled to several different shopping centers that had populated areas like Walmart and Brookshires. Also, having great teamwork amongst employees and a great CEO, Scott Deviney, have also contributed to the success of their company. Chicken Salad Chick has grown to 200 locations in several states and plans to grow to 220 spots by the end of 2021. They offer a variety of choices of salads for all of their customers. Using mobile billboards have helped them to grow their business in an effective way.

If you want to grow your business successfully by having mobile billboards contact Rod Collins at: (214) 219-2729.

Mobile Billboards Give You Control

Mobile billboards give your business the option to promote your message wherever you like when you like. Having the opportunity to reach a large number of people wherever you want will only help grow brand awareness. Your message will be able to be taken through shopping centers that are busy and heavily trafficked roads. You will also be able to take your advertisement wherever you want at any time whether it’s for a day, week, or month.

Price of Mobile Billboards

Many businesses have marketing budgets that dictate how much they spend. Some businesses will spend way too much money on their marketing agendas. By using advertising trucks you will be able to promote your business in an effective way while also keeping in your marketing budget. Some different advertising methods like social media, TV commercials, or stationary billboards will be much more expensive. Mobile billboards are a great cost effective way to go compared to other forms of advertising.

People Travel on the Roads

According to Arbitron Inc. the average American will spend at least 15 hours a week on the road traveling. This statistic goes for both passengers and drivers. By having this many individuals in the car you will be able to reach a wider audience. Stationary billboards are easily driven past in the blink of an eye, but with mobile billboards you will be able to capture a larger audience with everyone seeing it directly in front of them. This will also help your audience remember your message better and generate word of mouth marketing for your business.

Advertising Your Business

Chicken Salad Chick created a successful business and mobile billboards have helped them to grow your business. Mobile billboards were a part of their success with how much business growth they have gained.

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