Our Digital Advertising Trucks Help Griffin Roofing With A Marketing Campaign

Keller, Texas neighborhoods were hit by a storm that caused roof damage to several homes this past mother’s day. These homeowner’s needed to repair their roofs in a timely manner. Griffin Roofing needed to promote their business so they could help repair these roofs for all of the homeowners who had roof damage. Texas Mobile Advertising offers a fun, creative way of advertising to help your audience remember your business. Our digital advertising trucks are a great way to promote your brand, business, or service in a way that your audience will remember your business.

How Our Digital Advertising Trucks Helped With Their Marketing Campaign

We traveled through the golden triangle between the Keller Parkway and Interstate 35 with our digital advertising trucks. Driving on this route helped us promote Griffin Roofing’s service at several retail locations. Our digital advertising trucks are very bright. Their brightness helped grab the eye of anyone on the road and created brand awareness for them. Griffin Roofing is great for all of your roofing repairs with the quality materials they offer and extraordinary value that they offer. These digital advertising trucks we offer are great for your next promotional campaign.

Texas Mobile Advertising’s Digital Advertising Trucks

Our digital advertising trucks have many benefits to them. You do not have to pay for print production with these trucks since it’s digital. You can also upload your content instantly on the truck and play multiple messages throughout the campaign. They also can play videos if the truck is parked to reach your target market better. We invested a lot in LED technology to make sure our digital advertising trucks would be perfect for your next advertising campaign. These trucks are perfect for promoting your brand, business, or service in a way that your audience will remember.

What Other Trucks Does Texas Mobile Advertising Offer?

Texas Mobile advertising offers more than just digital advertising trucks. We also offer glass walled display trucks, regular billboard trucks, and our new BESTie truck. All of these advertising trucks provide a memorable experience for your audience. These advertising trucks will help them remember your business better. We also offer different sizes in our advertising trucks so you can choose how big you want your marketing campaign to be. All of these trucks will create brand awareness for your business and help your company grow!

Grow Your Business

If you or someone you know is interested in a marketing campaign for their business give Rod Collins a call at: (214) 219-2729. Texas Mobile Advertising will create a fun marketing campaign that will attract a larger audience and help them remember your business! Give Rod Collins a call today!

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